
Best Practices to Help Restoration Contractors Thrive During COVID-19 - HOVER Inc

Written by HOVER Inc | Jun 4, 2020

We see a lot of restoration contractors who are looking for ways to adapt and drive efficiencies during storm season. Here are our top tips to weather the storm and help you navigate this new normal with solutions that will benefit your business over time.

1. Leverage Technology

Technology can help you gather what you need quickly during your initial inspection so you can serve as many homeowners as possible after a storm. Thorough measurements are important to avoid repeat visits or oversights in scope.  and it doesn’t have to come at the cost of spending more time on site. With the help of the right technology partner, those details don’t have to come at the cost of spending more time on site.

When you’re moving fast, HOVER helps you stay grounded—literally. Taking 8 ground-level photos gets you accurate, line item measurements, from soffit depth to downspouts. Plus, it helps you keep distance while getting the information you need to complete an estimate.

2. Centralize It

When your teams aren’t in the same place, it can be hard to keep track of what’s happening across projects. A shared and centralized project portfolio keeps everything – measurements, property photos, and the 3D model – in one place, and everyone on the same page.

Interested? Start a trial today – your first property is on us!

3. Connect Remotely

There’s never been a smarter time to go digital. Incorporate virtual selling workflows and provide customers with video conferencing and e-Signature options. Many customers are not comfortable meeting face to face at this time and seeing the 3D model of their home on a video conference keeps them very engaged while at a distance.

To keep work moving forward, lean in on digital. Learn more here.

4. Put Customers First

In these difficult times, be understanding, empathetic, and have the right attitude. Customers will have varying levels of comfort with engaging in person, so provide flexible options, including ways to interact with property owners remotely. With HOVER Connect you can remove the need for site-visits completely by enabling property owners to capture their own homes via their smartphone and the HOVER app.

Want to learn more?