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      10 Actionable Ways to Grow a Construction Business

      10 Actionable Ways to Grow a Construction Business - Featured Image

      Everyone wants to see their business succeed. Unfortunately, it’s not as easy as just completing a few siding or roofing projects a year. To have a successful construction business, one needs to constantly think about different ways to improve operations, develop better customer relations, and produce high-quality work.

      In this article, we’ll outline 10 different things you can implement in your business today to help its future growth.

      1. Use HOVER to Close Deals & Improve Operations

      First and foremost, you want to find a construction software that will help you increase your business and grow with you. HOVER makes it easy to produce accurate measurements, fast estimates, and place direct orders. The easier it is to work with your business results in happier customers which means more time and money you’ll have to build your construction company.

      Using HOVER’s technology, you can snap a few pictures of the home with your smartphone and the app will develop a 3D model. This interactive model will then give you every measurement you need to estimate a home exterior or roofing project.

      With more accurate estimates and this visual in front of them, homeowners are more likely to choose you as their contractor. Business win rates are an impressive 2.6x higher when roofers show a HOVER 3D model during appointments. It’s exciting for people to see their own home transformed before their eyes, and HOVER gives them a fun and easy way to start playing with the possibilities.

      With accurate measurements, you won’t be ordering a surplus of materials for any job. This saves money, eliminates trips to the supplier to return materials, and reduces the number of wasted materials.

      HOVER can also a great solution for digital construction document management since you can store all of your job info in your account. Besides remote measurements and automated estimates, the software offers direct ordering and production management to make jobs more cost-effective and efficient. Plus, it integrates with your favorite tools, so you can share data and track jobs across a variety of platforms.

      2. Focus On Your Brand

      Look at your current digital presence. Do you have a cohesive brand message across your website, social media channels, and review sites like Angi? If so, great! Just keep up the solid branding work and you’re good to skip this step.

      If your brand messaging looks and feels disjointed across all channels, you’ll have to take some time to update the information. Having a consistent brand message helps build customers’ trust, and improves your rating on search engines like Google. This means you’ll rank higher on searches, causing more clicks to your site.

      3. Develop Effective Sales & Marketing Channels

      A major part of brand focus is building your presence on social media and other marketing channels. An active social profile makes it easier to market your business and interact with potential customers.

      Another effective way to market your business is through email marketing. Email marketing has one of the highest returns on investment (ROI). For every one dollar spent, you can earn $36 in return. You can use it to build trust with your audience, share tips and guidance, introduce trends, and even offer discounts. It’s one of the best ways to contact your audience directly.

      Finally, if your marketing budget allows, we recommend investing in paid advertising on social media—especially on remarketing ads. 97% of people who visit your site leave without booking a service. Remarketing or retargeting through Instagram or Facebook ads can draw them back.

      There are plenty more marketing strategies you can start using to grow your business.

      4. Invest in the Right Tools

      You know how the saying goes, “you have to spend money to make money.” It’s worth it, in the long run, to spend more money upfront on the right types of tools and equipment. Having reliable equipment will ensure you complete each job correctly and safely. Plus, constantly having your tools break down on the job is unprofessional. It could damage your reputation and might even end up costing you more.

      5. Invest in the Right People & Build Your Team

      As your company begins to grow, you’ll need the right people by your side to help you achieve your business goals. With hardworking employees dedicated to your company’s success, your business will be better equipped for continued growth.

      This is especially true in construction where your people are your business (and a part of your brand!). Make sure you’re hiring dependable, knowledgeable, and skilled contractors. Then work hard to retain your best employees by promoting them for their hard work and reliability.

      6. Continue to Get the Word Out

      Word of mouth is still one of the best ways for construction companies to market and grow their business. People always ask their neighbors, family, and friends for advice on who to hire for their upcoming construction project. So always encourage your best customers to get the word out about you and your work.

      7. Quality Above Quantity, Always

      When wanting to increase your profit margin, cutting corners is tempting to reduce costs, speed up the completion of a project, and try to complete as many projects as possible. But your reputation is as good as your work! Producing high-quality work is a sure way to have your business spread through word of mouth.

      8. Slowly Cut Costs Over Time

      When you first began your business your prices had to be at a level that helped you cover most, if not all, of your initial overhead. But as your business grows, you’ll see where your profit margins are and where you can reduce costs. Maybe you have a good relationship with your shingle supplier and can get a discount rate. Then you can pass those savings down to your customer.

      This is a business growth method that takes time and only works when it makes sense. As mentioned in the previous section, cutting costs just to cut corners is never effective. You want to find a way to strategically reduce your costs that can benefit your business and your customers, without affecting profit margins.

      9. Being Selective Means Being Profitable

      You don’t want to take just any work. You want to take projects that have a good return on investment. There’s no sense in doubling the number of jobs you work if you aren’t increasing your profits.

      10. Develop a Strong Reputation Through Reviews

      Similar to word of mouth, people always turn to reviews before hiring a service. So encourage your customers to leave a good review on your website, Google profile, or review site listing.

      Managing reviews is just as important as having them. When looking for a contractor, people want someone who is communicative with good customer service. You can exemplify this in your reviews by thanking someone for a positive review. Or respond to negative reviews with a kind, thoughtful answer and a potential solution. 70% of people say they’re willing to give a business a second chance if they respond to a complaint.

      Grow Your Business with the HOVER App

      The HOVER app can truly transform the way you do business. You'll get accurate & reliable measurements, 3D visualization to wow clients, create takeoffs and estimates, order materials for the job, and much more! Get in touch with us today to learn how our solutions can make your business more efficient and profitable or sign up and try it for free.

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      HOVER makes home improvement simpler, faster and more collaborative for homeowners and pros.


      We’ll text you a link to download our app. The 1-week free trial is only applicable to construction professionals who have not signed up for HOVER previously.