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      How to Stand Out From Your Competitors With an Interactive 3D Model

      How to Stand Out From Your Competitors With an Interactive 3D Model - Featured Image

      Thomas Basch, National Account Manager at HOVER, recently hosted a webinar in which he shared his insider tips on how contractors can differentiate themselves from their competitors. He explained how every property captured with the HOVER app is turned into an interactive 3D model that can be used to win over homeowners.

      Before joining HOVER, Tom worked as a project manager and estimator at various roofing companies averaging between $2 and $10 million in revenue. He experienced first-hand how construction companies can step up their game by using the HOVER platform. With HOVER, Tom was able to better engage the homeowner in his sales process and display a higher level of professionalism, which allowed him to close more deals.

      Here are a few of Tom’s tips on how to turn HOVER’s interactive 3D model into your strongest sales tool:

      Show the 3D model on a tablet, television or via a projector

      Even the best sales person knows that it can be a challenge to engage homeowners throughout the sales process. By using the interactive 3D model, you can turn a tiresome sales process into an engaging experience. Tom has seen homeowners’ jaws drop time and again when he showed them the 3D model of their own house. He recommends showing the 3D model on a tablet or connecting your laptop to a television or projector. That way, all eyes will be on the 3D model as the homeowner will want to see the impact that new colors and materials will have on the look of their home.

      3D Model

      Explain your working process step by step

      Tom advises to use the 3D model while walking customers through the work that you are planning to do. Although this information might seem evident to you, the greater part of homeowners will not be familiar with your plan of action. Make sure to pay extra attention to the areas of the house that you’ll be remodeling or restoring. For instance, Tom would often point out a roof-to-wall intersection where he would remove the siding and install a leak barrier with new step-flashing. Simply by explaining your action plan by means of the 3D model, you can highlight your company’s expertise, and establish trust and credibility with the homeowner.

      3D model design

      Give an overview of linear measurements of the roof, siding and windows

      No matter whether you’re restoring or remodeling a home, the experience inevitably brings additional stress to the homeowner’s life. To assure the homeowner that he has accounted for all work ahead of time, Tom would isolate relevant line segments on the 3D model. Some examples that worked particularly well for him: highlighting the soffit area to facilitate a conversation about the benefits of air intake and exhaust or pointing out the eave measurements before installing new gutters. By using the 3D model to give homeowners visibility into his work right from the start, Tom was able to put his clients’ minds at ease and close deals faster.

      3D Measurements

      Show what different materials and colors look like on the homeowner’s house

      As homeowners don’t remodel their house frequently, they don’t take any decisions on the appearance of their property lightly. Thanks to the design features on the 3D model, you can easily show a homeowner what their house could look like with the materials or colors from different manufacturers. Tom quickly found out that these design features help the homeowner make a confident decision on the look of their home, often on the spot. Moreover, Tom urges everyone to use the 3D model as it makes upselling and cross-selling easier than ever before. For instance, homeowners who just needed a new roof, would also inquire about the pricing for new siding after playing around with the 3D model. Or homeowners would see the impact of premium products and no longer want to settle for cheaper options.

      3D model remodeling

      If you’d like to learn all the ins and outs on how to accelerate your sales with the 3D model and set yourself apart from your competition, make sure to watch the below video:

      Don’t forget to sign up for our free trial today so you can put Tom’s tips into practice and start closing bigger deals faster.

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